Discover the main tasks of summer vineyard management, which involve carefully controlling the growth of the vines and safeguarding them against diseases that typically arise during this season.


During this time of the year, vine growth is luxuriant. The shoots grow tall, and the foliage thickens to capture as much sunlight as possible, potentially suffocating the vineyard. To address this, we perform cropping using a vine trimmer mounted on a tractor. Once properly adjusted, the machine trims the vine in width and height. The ideal height for a hedge is between 120 and 130 centimeters, which allows sunlight to penetrate between the rows and throughout the height of the vine.

We pay particular attention to the trimmer’s adjustment, as trimming too short and thinning out the plant too much would harm photosynthesis and delay maturity. Conversely, trimming too high would also be detrimental. A vine that is too tall would hinder machine passage in the rows, reduce ventilation, and offer wind resistance, which could topple the posts and put the vine at risk of being uprooted in even the slightest gust.

Vine Protection

The vine is particularly susceptible to diseases in the north of France. We must protect it against opportunistic cryptogamic diseases (or fungal diseases), such as mildew, which comes from parasitic fungi. However, treatments are not harmless and can have damaging effects on the environment and grape quality. Therefore, they must be reasoned and as infrequent as possible, especially since we practice organic agriculture.

At Maison Gawron, we refuse to use intensive pesticides. We treat it according to risks, conditions, and weather forecasts, as well as the health of the plot. We only use the necessary quantities to produce healthy and mature grapes, essential for creating excellent champagne. Out of respect for the environment and in accordance with the requirements of organic viticulture, we do not apply any pesticide containing synthetic molecules. We limit ourselves to the traditional use of copper and sulfur, in very small doses.

The Treatment Frequency Index (TFI) makes it possible to calculate a trend of treatment intensity according to the year. We seek to position ourselves in the low trends of TFI. To achieve this, we do not hesitate to apply mid-doses at the beginning and end of the treatment campaign. We even sometimes choose not to treat it when the weather conditions allow it and when rain does not threaten the vineyard. It is a risk, but an investment for the future.

Attitudes are gradually changing among winemakers. Today, even the best-maintained vines may have some mildew and a bit of grass during harvest. This is not a sign of poor care or lack of work, but rather an evidence of a reasoned approach to protection.